Are you ready to take back control of your body and start losing weight with PCOS?


Without restrictive diets or sacrificing your favourite foods



Does this sound familiar? 


You are…


  • Feeling like you can gain weight just by looking at food and your body doesn’t reflect all the hard work you put into it


  • Frustrated, overwhelmed and feeling down right lost with what to do and what to eat to lose weight 

  • Exhausted, anxious and struggle with mood swings making you feel like a crazy person

  • Battling intense cravings that feel impossible to resist, leading to guilt and shame every time you indulge in your favourite foods

  • Miserable cutting out carbs, calories, all your favourite foods just to barely see the scales budge

  • Tired of the emotional rollercoaster of feeling like a failure every time you give in to cravings or overindulge, leading to a worsening relationship with food and your body





Nothing works


Your body is broken


You will never be your pre-PCOS self again


What if you could... 


  • Have a clear step-by-step framework with a proven path to success to know exactly what to eat and what to do to lose weight with PCOS
  • Say goodbye to intense cravings and feel in control of your eating
  • Enjoy a positive and balanced relationship with food, free from guilt or shame
  • Become leaner, more confident and wear whatever the hell you want and feel amazing in your body
  • Wake up feeling refreshed and enjoy consistent energy throughout the day
  • Finally see the scale shift and lose weight without having to deprive yourself of the foods you love

I am here to tell is possible


It is time to take back control of your body and finally feel like 'you' again


This is where you could be in a few weeks...

Introducing The PCOS Insulin Reset Method

The proven 6-week solution to kickstart weight loss with PCOS and regain control of your body

(without restriction or giving up your favourite foods)

Here's what PCOS Insulin Reset graduates have to say...


I was skeptical at first because I had tried so many things and nothing really seemed to work for me. I've lost 17 pounds to date and my skin has cleared up significantly, I honestly can’t believe it! I also now completely understand why nothing worked before and how I need to support my body going forward. 


I have battled with my weight for years and nothing worked until I found this programme. The diet doesn't feel restrictive at all and I've lost 15 pounds so far! I can’t wait to continue!


I had just been diagnosed with PCOS and was so overwhelmed by the diagnosis and knowing what I needed to do. A friend recommended Sarah to me and I am so grateful I signed up. I feel really confident knowing what I need to do to support my body, my energy has improved and really pleased to say I have lost 8 pounds in just 6 weeks! 

By the end of the programme, you'll...


Gain a Clear Roadmap: Uncover a clear path to help take back control of your body and gain confidence in knowing which foods and how to include them to support your body best


Master the PCOS Foundations: Discover and implement the foundational principles for PCOS weight loss success and learn how to easily include these into your daily life


Eliminate ‘All-or-Nothing’ Mindset: Learn to let go of the restrictive ‘all or nothing’ mentality and gain tools to enjoy a positive and balanced relationship with food, free from guilt & shame


Build Sustainable Healthy Habits: Construct solid foundations with easy-to-follow, sustainable habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine


Boost Your Food Confidence: Learn how to make food choices work for your weight loss goals with PCOS without feeling deprived or restricted


Rebalance Your Hormones: Master techniques to rebalance your hormones, helping you get rid of those persistent, frustrating symptoms. Learn how to nurture your body in a way that leaves you feeling amazing, giving you the vitality and confidence to live life to the fullest

Want results like these?


Here’s what’s included in the programme

Evidence-based advice

Say goodbye to conflicting advice and confusing information. As a PCOS and weight loss nutritionist, Sarah provides robust, scientifically-backed advice you can trust. She's here to dispel myths and provide clear, actionable guidance that will help fast-track your results

Step-by-step video lessons

Unlock your weight loss potential with our engaging video lessons, each one designed to guide you step by step through our proven framework. No matter how busy your schedule, these bite-sized lessons make it easy to understand and implement the strategies you need to see real, lasting results

Programme resource library

Immerse yourself in a wealth of invaluable resources with our programme library. Here, you'll find everything from practical cheatsheets to done-for-you examples and troubleshooting guides. These tools have been specifically designed to smooth out your journey, making the process as effortless as possible

Accountability check-ins

Change can be challenging, but you're not in it alone. With regular accountability check-ins, Sarah is there to offer personalised support every step of the way. She's committed to helping you overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and make your success truly unstoppable. Consider these check-ins as your regular dose of encouragement and advice, propelling you forward on your journey

PCOS recipes and eBook collections

Our collection of delicious, nutrient-packed recipes are carefully crafted to support PCOS. This isn't about deprivation – it's about discovering a new, sustainable way of eating for long-term success. Different dietary requirements are catered for, with lots of alternative recommendations to suit even the fussiest of eaters

Private 1:1 message support

Experience the ultimate support system with private message access to Sarah herself. Consider her your personal health cheerleader, always ready to provide guidance, answer questions, and offer unwavering encouragement when you need it most. With this one-on-one support, you'll never feel lost or alone in your journey – Sarah is with you every step of the way

What others have to say


Sarah's programme is nothing short of revolutionary. Seriously, it's like she's flipped a switch in my body – my energy levels are soaring, the scale is moving (finally!), and my PCOS symptoms are under control. This is a complete game-changer!


The PCOS Insulin Reset Programme isn't a 'quick fix'. It's a lifestyle transformation – and it's one I wish I'd started years ago. It's incredible what understanding your body can do. My symptoms are so much better, and I'm shedding pounds without feeling restricted. Everyone with PCOS needs to know this!


I was skeptical when I first started the PCOS Insulin Reset Programme, but I'm so glad I took that leap of faith. It's changed my life in ways I never could have imagined. I don’t track my weight but I can tell I have lost weight as my clothes are looser, I feel less puffy and I also have so much more energy and confidence. I finally feel in control of my body again!


What we cover in the programme

Module 1

Setting yourself up for success

  • Establish the fundamental principles for effective weight loss by getting your hormones to work for you (and not against you)
  • Unlock the secrets to achieving steady blood sugar levels to banish cravings and conquer fatigue
  • Experience the power of an expertly tailored morning routine

Module 2

Nailing the PCOS plate

  • Discover a simple 5-step approach to building the perfect balanced PCOS plate every time, allowing you to lose weight whilst still enjoying your favourite foods
  • Master the art of choosing PCOS-friendly foods, enabling you to enjoy meals whilst supporting your health
  • Understand your carb tolerance and use strategic carbohydrate timing to support your metabolism enhancing your success


Module 3

Making it practical

  • Learn how to make meal planning and prep a breeze, perfectly integrating a balanced PCOS-friendly plate into your life
  • Become a master of on-the-go eating strategies and food label interpretation. Say goodbye to mealtime stress and hello to confidence in your food choices
  • Discover tools to balance your lifestyle with PCOS allowing you to dine out, enjoy your holidays and still get great success

Module 4

Putting it all together

  • Unravel how circadian rhythms can turbocharge your metabolism and blood sugar control for effective PCOS weight loss
  • Master meal timing and fasting to align with your body's rhythms, enhancing your weight loss journey with PCOS
  • Discover strategic snacking that stabilises your blood sugar, boosts well-being, and drives weight loss with PCOS

Module 5

Dialling down the stress

  • Decode cortisol's impact on weight loss with PCOS
  • Master unique stress management techniques tailored to your lifestyle
  • Discover the optimal movement type, frequency, and timing for hormonal balance and weight loss with PCOS

Module 6

Adding the final touches

  • Discover the power of anti-inflammatory foods to help combat PCOS symptoms and support weight loss success
  • Dive into the world of supplements discovering which can support your PCOS journey
  • Understand how to navigate your PCOS journey with ease, for lasting weight management and symptom free life

PCOS Insulin Reset Method Client Wins 🥳

What you get in the programme


  • Full access to The PCOS Insulin Reset comprehensive online training portal (3 months access) (value £250)
    • 24/7 access to all the programme materials and resources in one centralised online portal. Watch the content at your convenience, fitting it into your schedule whenever it suits you
    • Experience bite-sized, step-by-step video lessons that eliminate overwhelm and provide you with a clear and achievable action plan


  • 3 X fortnightly accountability check-ins to keep you on track (value £50)
    • Experience regular fortnightly check-ins to stay accountable, track your progress, and receive ongoing support and guidance. These check-ins ensure that you stay motivated, make necessary adjustments, and achieve your desired outcomes more effectively throughout the programme


  • Private message support for 6-weeks for ongoing support (value £150)
    • Enjoy personalised message support throughout the programme, providing you with direct access to guidance and answers to your questions. This feature ensures that you receive ongoing support, clarification, and encouragement, helping you stay on track and make the most of your hormone reset journey


  • Full access to the PCOS Insulin Reset Method Recipe eBooks and snack bible (value £100)
    • Enjoy a variety of nutritious and satisfying meals that take the overwhelm out of knowing what to cook and make it easy to plan and prepare PCOS friendly meals


  • Full access to practical resources including video resources, cheatsheets and worksheets (value £100)
    • Access a range of practical resources, including worksheets, cheatsheets, and done-for-you materials, designed to streamline your journey. These resources simplify the process, provide actionable guidance, and save you time by offering ready-made tools and templates





(£255 saving!)






PCOS Brand & Product Recommendations (value £79)

Reset Your Mindset for Weight Loss Success (value £99)

PCOS Weight Loss Checklist (value £39)

Debunk Common PCOS  Myths Masterclass (value £49)

PMS & Cravings Toolkit (value £49)

Cycle Syncing eBook (value £49)

20-Minute Meals Recipe eBook (value £49)

Choose your preferred payment plan

Pay in Full


Single Payment


Payment Plan

£220 x2

x2 Monthly Payments


This is perfect for you if...


✅ You struggle to lose weight with PCOS despite your best efforts and want a proven plan to follow that will kickstart your lasting weight loss success whilst also feeling great in your body

✅ You feel like you are losing control of your body with new symptoms popping up all the time and you can’t seem to get a handle on

✅ You're tired of fad diets and quick fixes, and are ready for a scientifically-backed approach to manage your PCOS symptoms and achieve sustainable weight loss

✅ You're looking to understand the root causes of your symptoms, ready to reclaim your life from PCOS, and are committed to investing the time and effort necessary to make lasting changes

✅ You've experienced the negative impacts of PCOS on your emotional wellbeing and relationships, and you're ready to take action for a positive change

✅ You want to get your food freedom back and break free from the all or nothing mindset, but you don’t know where to start

✅ You are feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and no longer feel like you can do this by yourself, and you want a plan that isn’t restrictive and easy to implement into your busy lifestyle

This isn't for you if...


❌ You want a quick fix or a magic pill to manage your PCOS symptoms and weight issues

❌ You are not open to trying new approaches and are not ready to take an active role in managing your PCOS 

❌ You are not open to receiving professional guidance and unwilling to make changes to your diet and lifestyle

❌ You just want a generic meal plan to follow and not learn and understand more about how you can best support yourself to achieving your goals 

❌ You don’t have PCOS - if this is you, check out the Hormone Balance Blueprint instead (click here)

❌ You have Type 1 Diabetes or have undergone a gastric bypass or sleeve

❌ You are currently pregnant or breastfeeding

Hi, I'm Sarah

I am a PCOS and weight loss nutritionist and I want you to know that I have been exactly where you are right now. 

From a young age, I struggled with body image. I remember feeling embarrassed by it, Feeling too big. Not good enough. I vividly remember begging my mum for a rainbow print string bikini, only to be crushed by how it looked on me.

Fast forward to years later, after multiple failed attempts at trying to lose weight, I was finally diagnosed with PCOS. Fortunately, as a qualified nutritionist, I was equipped to help myself, but I had lost touch with what a healthy relationship with food looked like.

I was so convinced my body was out to get me.

My greatest challenge, and reward, was finding a sustainable diet and lifestyle that not only helped me control my PCOS symptoms and lose weight, but also allowed me to enjoy life.

That's why I'm passionate about helping other women with PCOS do the same.

You don't have to let PCOS define you, your weight or your life

My promise to you is that I am committed to working with you, every step of the way, to help you regain control over your health and weight. As a Registered Nutritionist, I am dedicated to offering you the most up-to-date, evidence-based advice to help deliver lasting change and a healthier, happier you!

Results like these could be yours...are you ready?



What you want to know

What others have to say


This programme was like a breath of fresh air. Sarah’s approach is all about sustainability and nourishing the body. 6 weeks in I feel like a new me! I have so much energy, cravings are virtually gone and feel a lot less puffy. My clothes also feel a lot looser already and feeling so much more positive!


I am so pleased I signed up to work with Sarah as I am now 20 pounds down, my insulin resistance has improved dramatically and no longer need medication! I've learned so much about my body and how to nourish it properly - thank-you


Before starting the PCOS Insulin Reset Programme, I felt stuck in a cycle of failed diet attempts. But with Sarah's guidance, I've seen real, tangible results. I am still in awe that in just six weeks, I've managed to lose 6 pounds! I still have more weight to lose but it is the first time in forever that the scales have gone down not up!

Here's a RECAP of what you get inside

The PCOS Insulin Reset Method


  • 3 months access to The PCOS Insulin Reset Method comprehensive online training portal with step-by-step watch on demand tutorials and videos


  • 3 X fortnightly form check ins to keep you on track and keep you accountable


  • Private message support for 6-weeks for ongoing support and questions. Think of this like having Sarah in your back pocket


  • Full access to the PCOS Insulin Reset Method recipe eBooks and snack bible to make it easy to plan and prepare PCOS friendly meals


  • Full access to practical resources including worksheets, cheatsheets, and done-for-you materials, designed to streamline your journey and save you time






(£255 saving!)


PCOS doesn't have to define you, your weight or your life


Are you ready to reclaim control?