Are you ready to shed those stubborn pounds that won't shift no matter

how hard you try?


Discover the path to lasting weight loss, boundless energy and a more confident you

(no restriction, calorie counting or crazy diets in sight)



Battling with your weight and hormones can be rough 


I’ll bet some (or all!) of these sounds familiar to you…


  • The diets you've tried in the past have only led to short-term results, and you find yourself right back where you started, or worse


  • You hate getting dressed in the morning because nothing fits you anymore and you avoid having your photo taken like the plague


  • You are exhausted. You struggle to get out of bed in the morning before collapsing on the sofa at the end of the day


  • You are constantly battling intense cravings that seem impossible to resist, leaving you feeling like a crazy person


  • The thought of eating chicken and broccoli over and over again makes you want to cry and you feel so ashamed every time you indulge in your favourite foods


  • You are frustrated, demoralised and feeling down right lost with what to do and what to eat.



Are fed up with not seeing any results after weeks of eating well and exercising regularly


Are tired of feeling like a failure when you eventually give in and overindulge on all your favourite foods


Want out of this cycle and you are looking for a proven solution and a clear step-by-step plan that doesn’t require hours each day to support you in losing weight once and for all


What if you could... 


  • Lose weight without having to skip social events or deprive yourself of the foods you love 
  • Have a clear plan to follow to rev up your metabolism and get you feeling leaner and more confident 
  • Enjoy a positive and balanced relationship with food, free from guilt or shame
  • Not spend hours each day stressing over what to eat or what you need to do 
  • Wake up feeling refreshed and have sustained energy throughout the day
  • Break free from yo-yo dieting, balance your hormones and find joy in nourishing your body

I am here to tell is possible


It is time to break free from the never-ending diet cycle and stop letting diets rule your life


There is where you could be in a few weeks...

Introducing The Hormone Balance Blueprint

The proven 12-week plan to help you de-programme from diet culture, balance your hormones and achieve sustainable weight loss

(so you never have to diet again)

Incredible client results straight from the source 🎉


What a difference this programme has made! I used to feel overwhelmed with food choices, but not anymore. Now I know what to eat and when. I've not only lost weight (9 pounds!!) but feel more energetic and balanced. This has genuinely changed my life.


Before this journey, I was constantly battling cravings and energy dips. Learning about blood sugar was a game-changer. I'm now enjoying my meals, feel satisfied and, best of all, those cravings are a thing of the past!


I started the programme feeling skeptical, having tried so many diets before. But the results have blown me away. I've dropped 8kgs, my bloating is gone, and I have a newfound sense of clarity and confidence.

The Hormone Balance Blueprint can help you to...


✅ Boost Your Food Confidence: Discover a way of eating that fuels your metabolism, balances your hormones and help you feel your very best


✅ Master Everyday Eating: Unearth tools and strategies for managing your diet in all situations, including dining out, and learn to enjoy your favourite foods while still making progress


✅ Build Sustainable Healthy Habits: Construct solid foundations with easy-to-follow, sustainable habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine


✅ Embrace Inclusive Eating for Fat Loss: Uncover the secrets to successful fat loss while gaining the skills to include all types of foods in your diet in a balanced and healthy way. Learn how to make food choices work for your weight loss goals without feeling deprived or restricted


✅ Eliminate 'All-or-Nothing' Mindset: Learn to let go of the restrictive 'all-or-nothing' mentality and find strategies to maintain progress even when things don't go as planned


✅ Overcome Emotional Eating: Develop consistency and learn techniques to prevent emotional eating from sabotaging your progress


✅ Rebalance Your Hormones: Master techniques to rebalance your hormones, helping you get rid of those persistent, frustrating symptoms. Learn how to nurture your body in a way that leaves you feeling amazing, giving you the vitality and confidence to live life to the fullest

Want results like these?


Here’s what’s included in the programme

Step-by-step video lessons

Unleash your weight loss potential with engaging video lessons, split out into 12 modules, guiding you through each step of the proven framework. No matter how busy you are, these bite-sized videos make it effortless to implement and achieve results

Programme resource library

Dive into a treasure trove of valuable resources, from cheat sheets to workbooks to done-for-you examples and troubleshooting guides, making this journey as smooth sailing as possible

Recipes and eBook collections

Enjoy a collection of delicious and nutritious recipes specially curated to balance your hormones and support your metabolism. The carefully curated collection caters for different dietary requirements without sacrificing on taste ensuring lasting success

Evidence-based advice

Say goodbye to confusion and misinformation. Sarah, a hormone and weight loss nutritionist delivers rock-solid advice based on scientific research and her experience with 100+ clients, empowering you to fast track your results with confidence

Accountability check-ins

Stay on track and motivated with personalised support through regular check-ins. Sarah will be there every step of the way, helping you overcome obstacles and ensuring your success is unstoppable

Private 1:1 message support

Experience the ultimate support system with private message support from Sarah herself. Consider her your personal cheerleader, always ready to provide guidance, answer questions, and offer unwavering support whenever you need it

What others have to say


I've struggled with weight gain all my life and felt like I was in a constant battle with my body. Through working with Sarah, I've learned where I was going wrong and the underlying factors I needed to address that was stopping me from losing weight.I've experienced significant weight loss during this programme and whilst I still have weight I want to lose, I know exactly what I need to do and is something I can easily continue doing.


I was so frustrated with my previous weight loss efforts because I could never stick to a plan long term. I am so happy I decided to work with Sarah because I have finally found something that works! It doesn't feel like a diet at all but I have lost almost a stone in 3 months and I feel really good in myself. I have noticed my bloating has gone which made me feel even bigger than I was. 


I had tried diet after diet and this really felt like the last resort. I decided to sign up because it was completely different to everything I had tried before. I loved the idea of not restricting lots of foods but thought it was too good to be true. I was completely wrong! Working with Sarah was the best investment. It all just seems so obvious now why I could never lose weight before. Sarah is so positive and supportive to work with, she is worth every penny!


What we cover in the programme

Module 1

Setting yourself up for success

  • ​​Unearth the connection between hormones and metabolism, and lay the foundation for enhanced weight loss, boosted energy, improved mood, and more
  • Unlock the secrets to achieving steady blood sugar levels, waving goodbye to sugar cravings, weight loss resistance, and persistent fatigue
  • Experience the transformative power of an expertly tailored morning routine, perfect for regulating blood sugar and striking the right balance for the day ahead

Module 2

Nailing the balanced plate

  • Master a simple 5-step approach to construct a nourishing, balanced plate that facilitates weight loss while still incorporating your favourite foods
  • Unlock the knowledge of optimal food sources and portion sizes tailored to fuel a woman's body, promoting feelings of satisfaction and bolstering overall wellness
  • Unravel the secrets of savouring every meal and seamlessly transforming this into a sustainable lifestyle shift


Module 3

Gaining clarity around macros

  • Build unshakeable confidence in food selection, letting go of the overwhelming uncertainty around what to eat
  • Harness the potency of strategic carbohydrate timing to boost metabolism and encourage hormonal harmony
  • Dispel widespread sugar misconceptions and acquire hands-on tools to tackle sugar cravings effectively

Module 4

Making it practical

  • Streamline your meal planning and prep, ensuring hormonal balance and a harmonious plate fit easily into a busy lifestyle
  • Equip yourself with strategies for eating on-the-move and become adept at understanding food labels, reducing the stress of food choices
  • Unlock useful tactics for dining out, supporting your hormones and metabolism while maintaining a balanced lifestyle

Module 5

Crafting your daily meal structure

  • Discover the crucial role of circadian rhythms in managing your metabolism and blood sugar, resulting in better weight control and overall health
  • Grasp the value of meal timing and fasting in supporting your body's innate rhythms, enhancing your results as a woman
  • Master strategic snacking by opting for nutrient-rich foods that stabilise blood sugar, boost fullness, and foster overall well-being and weight loss

Module 6

Identifying food triggers

  • Dive deep into the hidden connection between food and inflammation and how it impacts your weight and hormone balance
  • Understand how to spot and manage the foods causing inflammation and sabotaging your weight loss journey
  • Equip yourself with simple, actionable strategies to replace inflammatory foods, and handle the emotional and physical changes, setting you up for long-term success

Module 7

Mastering your rhythms

  • Unravel the powerful influence of circadian rhythms on your metabolism, hormones, and weight loss journey
  • Master the art of designing your personalised sleep routine for optimum health and well-being
  • Tackle and overcome common sleep issues with proven, easy-to-implement strategies, help you to wake up refreshed and energised every day

Module 8

Dialling down the stress

  • Decode the cortisol conundrum, linking its effects to your symptoms, and how it could be secretly sabotaging your weight loss efforts
  • Master unique and beyond-the-norm stress management techniques tailored to your lifestyle empowering you to get a better hold of your stress levels
  • Decode the optimal type, frequency, and timing of movement that harmonise with your hormones and boost your weight loss success

Module 9

Get the good gut feeling

  • Dive deep into the pivotal role your gut plays in hormone balance and metabolism, paving the way to transformational health and wellness breakthroughs
  • Equip yourself with effective tools to foster a thriving gut environment and beneficial gut bacteria, setting stage for improved health and weight management
  • Conquer common gut health woes like bloating and constipation with a practical toolkit, unlocking comfort and relief in your everyday life

Module 10

Detoxing for success

  • Uncover the significance of detoxification and liver health, demystifying their essential roles in weight management and hormone regulation
  • Experience transformative insights into endocrine-disrupting chemicals, their impact on your health, and practical ways to reduce exposure
  • Equip yourself with an effective detox toolkit – learn how to adjust your diet and lifestyle for optimal liver health and hormonal balance

Module 11

Finding your balance

  • Master the art of symptom assessment to identify which foods work in harmony with your unique body
  • Step confidently into food reintroduction, learning how to gradually add foods back into your diet without upsetting your hormonal balance
  • Adopt lifelong habits and gain the knowledge to make this a sustainable shift, ensuring your nutritional choices remain a source of wellness, not worry

Module 12

Cementing your habits

  • Master the secrets of turning your hormonal balance blueprint into a sustainable lifestyle for long-term success
  • Get savvy with self-evaluation techniques that let you track progress, celebrate wins, and zero in on future goals
  • Navigate your future health journey with ease, knowing how to stay the course for lasting weight management and hormone balance

Hormone Balance Blueprint Client Wins 🥳

What you get in the programme


  • Full access to The Hormone Balance Blueprint comprehensive online training portal (6 months access) (value £500)
    • 24/7 access to all the programme materials and resources in one centralised online portal. Watch the content at your convenience, fitting it into your schedule whenever it suits you
    • Experience bite-sized, step-by-step video lessons that eliminate overwhelm and provide you with a clear and achievable action plan


  • 6 X fortnightly accountability check-ins to keep you on track (value £100)
    • Experience regular fortnightly check-ins to stay accountable, track your progress, and receive ongoing support and guidance. These check-ins ensure that you stay motivated, make necessary adjustments, and achieve your desired outcomes more effectively throughout the programme


  • Private message support for 12-weeks for ongoing support (value £200)
    • Enjoy personalised message support throughout the programme, providing you with direct access to guidance and answers to your questions. This feature ensures that you receive ongoing support, clarification, and encouragement, helping you stay on track and make the most of your hormone reset journey


  • Full access to the Hormone Balance Blueprint recipe eBooks and Hormone Balance Blueprint snack bible (value £50)
    • Enjoy a variety of nutritious and satisfying meals that take the overwhelm out of knowing what to cook and make it easy to plan and prepare hormone-friendly meals


  • Full access to practical resources including video resources, cheatsheets and worksheets (value £100)
    • Access a range of practical resources, including worksheets, cheatsheets, and done-for-you materials, designed to streamline your journey. These resources simplify the process, provide actionable guidance, and save you time by offering ready-made tools and templates





(£355 saving!)







Overcoming Weight Loss Plateaus Masterclass (value £99)

Reset your Mindset for Weight Loss Success Masterclass (value £99)

Tools for staying motivated on your weight loss journey (value £49)

Brand & Product Recommendations Cheatsheet (value £79)

PMS Toolkit (value £49)

How to track your cycle eBook (value £39)

Choose your preferred payment plan

Pay in Full


Single Payment


Payment Plan

£330 x2

x2 Monthly Payments


This is perfect for you if...


✅ You struggle to lose weight despite your best efforts and want a proven plan to follow that will help you achieve lasting weight loss whilst also feeling great in your body

✅ You want this to be the last plan you invest in and finally break free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting and restriction 

✅ You feel like you are losing control of your body with new symptoms popping up all the time and you can’t seem to figure out the cause

✅ You are feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and no longer feel like you can do this by yourself

✅ You want a plan that isn’t restrictive and easy to implement into your busy lifestyle

✅ You want to get your food freedom back and break free from the all or nothing mindset, but you don’t know where to start

✅ You are ready to make some changes but know you need the support to keep motivated, inspired and on track

This isn't for you if...


❌ You want a quick fix and to lose weight no matter how you feel in your body

❌ You are not open to trying new approaches and unwilling to make changes to your lifestyle

❌ You just want a generic meal plan to follow and not learn and understand more about how you can best support yourself to achieving your goals

❌ You can't commit to 12 weeks right now - check out The Hormone Reset Plan instead (click here)

❌ You have Type 1 Diabetes or have undergone a gastric bypass or sleeve

❌ You are currently pregnant or breastfeeding

Hi, I'm Sarah

I am a weight loss and hormone nutritionist and I want you to know that I have been exactly where you are right now. 


One of my earliest memories is feeling embarrassed and not good enough in my own body. I struggled with my weight and self-confidence from an early teen which led me on a lifelong quest for answers and solutions. 


After years (and years) of dieting I was bigger than ever and experiencing debilitating symptoms. After a lack of answers from conventional medicine, I took matters into my own hands and discovered the power of nutrition and lifestyle in transforming health. 


After qualifying as a Registered Nutritionist mBANT, Registered Nutritional Therapist PgDIP and NLP Master Practitioner I am on a mission to help women achieve sustainable weight loss, balanced hormones and overcome emotional eating, all without going on another diet. 


With my unique ‘tools not rules’ approach I have helped 100s of women do just that and feel incredible in their own skin. The right diet and lifestyle can change your life – and that’s what I’m passionate about helping women achieve.

My promise to you is that I am committed to working with you, every step of the way, to help you reclaim your health and weight. Together, we will conquer your hormone and metabolism challenges, and I will support you in reclaiming your health, balance, and vitality

Results like these could be yours...are you ready?



What you want to know

What others have to say


Sugar cravings used to be my downfall. I couldn't stop eating sugar which often lead to eating an embarrassing amount of family sized packets of sweets, chocolate and biscuits. I was just stuck in a horrible rut which I couldn't get myself out of. Since working with Sarah I hardly ever eat sugar now. I'm like a different person and I can't believe it! I feel in complete control of what I am eating and so pleased that I have lost weight and my skin is so much better too. 


I'm so proud of the progress I've made since joining this programme. I've lost 5kg, have so much more energy and really understand how to support my body and have a healthier mindset around food. Sarah made it really easy to follow. It is amazing how making small changes can make such a difference over time.


I'm the lightest I have been in 10 years. I'm so happy with my results!! This programme has given me the tools and knowledge to address the underlying causes of my weight gain and why it wouldn't budge for years! I'm now fitting into clothes I wore before having my first daughter and I feel incredible! So energised and positive. 

Here's a RECAP of what you get inside

The Hormone Balance Blueprint


  • 6 months access to The Hormone Balance Blueprint comprehensive online training portal with step-by-step watch on demand tutorials and videos


  • 6 X fortnightly form check ins to keep you on track and keep you accountable


  • Private message support for 12-weeks for ongoing support and questions. Think of this like having Sarah in your back pocket


  • Full access to the Hormone Balance Blueprint recipe eBooks and Hormone Balance Blueprint snack bible to make it easy to plan and prepare hormone-friendly meals


  • Full access to practical resources including worksheets, cheatsheets, and done-for-you materials, designed to streamline your journey and save you time






(£355 saving!)


Are you ready to never have to diet again?


Master your hormones, master your health and weight


Redefine years of dieting

Discover a sustainable approach to weight loss and hormonal balance